“There’s one hole in every revolution, large or small. And it’s one word long: People. No matter how big the idea they all stand under… it’s people that kill every revolution.”
~ Spider Jerusalem, Transmetropolitan
The thought occurred to me last night that we spend an immense amount of time complaining about the government. We discuss how various situations could be improved if only the system were replaced by another, more efficient one. On any given day there must be thousands of such conversations giving rise to myriad ideas of how this can be done, ranging from peaceful petitions to violent revolution.
But revolution is not a new idea. Countless revolutions have been staged in the course of human history, and each time it gives rise to a new system that leaves some people discontent. The problem does not lie with the system, then; it lies with the people who create it.
The government – any government – is merely a crutch, a necessary tool to maintain peace and order among a crippled humanity. What must be done is not to overthrow one system and raise up another that is equally flawed in its stead… that would be no more effective than replacing one crutch with another. Rather, we should tend to our wounds until the crutch is no longer needed, changing the nature of humankind until we do not need to rely on government at all.
And how do we go about mending the wounds caused by centuries of hate? That’s a question that I have no answer to. I don’t know what can change the nature of a single person, let alone the mass of humanity as a whole. All I know is that I can just do my own small part in my own small way, to strive to do as much good for as many people in as many ways as I can. And maybe, if I can’t change the world, I can at least be a positive influence on the people whose paths intersect with mine.
Change has to start somewhere. It may as well start with me.
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